The time immediately after the birth of a baby can be chaotic, especially if you are in pain due to the improper use of forceps. Learning about how the misuse of this instrument meant to assist in delivery can lead to birth injuries for you or your baby is important....
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Month: January 2022
How hard is it to prove medical malpractice?
When you seek treatment from a medical professional, you are trusting a doctor to administer aid with the utmost care and respect. You likely do not anticipate the need to collect proof of medical malpractice. In the event that you become a victim of medical...
The dangers of misdiagnosing deep vein thrombosis
When you go to the emergency room, you expect the best possible care. Often patients in the ER have urgent needs that require immediate care. If you fear you may have a blood clot, doctors may misdiagnose you. To misdiagnose a blood clot may become fatal for the...
Unnecessary C-sections come with a high risk of complications
Cesarean sections are necessary for some Florida births. Yet, studies suggest that some hospitals are performing these invasive, complicated surgeries far more often than necessary. C-sections come with far more risks for mothers and babies than traditional vaginal...