Cesarean sections are necessary for some Florida births. Yet, studies suggest that some hospitals are performing these invasive, complicated surgeries far more often than necessary. C-sections come with far more risks for mothers and babies than traditional vaginal deliveries. This raises questions about whether some hospitals are prioritizing profits over the safety of their patients.
According to USA Today, the World Health Organization has long contended that C-section births should comprise only about 10% to 15% of all deliveries. Yet, in 2018, more than 31% of all U.S. babies underwent delivery via this method. Even more concerning is the fact that, at some American hospitals, C-section birth rates exceed 60%.
Outcomes associated with C-section deliveries
While the high rate of C-sections, alone, is cause for concern, so, too, is the fact that research does not show improved outcomes for mothers or babies at the hospitals that have higher C-section rates. This suggests that many of the C-sections performed at these institutions may not be medically necessary. However, because C-section births tend to cost so much more than traditional ones, hospitals that perform lots of them make more money.
Complications associated with C-section deliveries
Women who deliver babies via C-section are 80% more likely than those who do not to experience serious complications. Some of the risks associated with C-section deliveries include blood clots, blood loss, bad anesthesia reactions, infection and surgical injury. Mothers who deliver via C-section also have a higher chance of having complications during future births.
Mothers who plan to give birth at specific hospitals may want to inquire about their C-section rates before doing so.