Dealing with a medical error can be draining and frustrating when you expect a certain level of competency from those who performed your surgery. These errors can happen in a variety of ways, including pressure from other staff and worry about losing their jobs. Fear...
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Month: May 2021
Common emergency room mistakes
An emergency department is where you go when you experience an injury or fall ill without warning. ER workers possess the knowledge to handle a wide breadth of medical situations. What happens, then, when you find yourself worse off after getting emergency treatment?...
Emergency room patient handoff errors may lead to injuries
Emergency room medical professionals owe a duty of care to maintain their patients' records. Staff members must communicate and share detailed and up-to-the-minute medical data with each other before transferring or handing off a patient. As reported by American Nurse...
How can my rights as a patient impact an ER negligence claim?
Care providers in the emergency room intentionally ignoring your rights as a patient could lead to you having a negligence claim. You have specific rights that allow you to be aware of your care and to make important decisions about it. According to WebMD, the...