Valenzuela Law Firm, PA | Trial Attorney

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Experienced Tampa Law Firm Committed Solely to Protecting the Rights of the Injured

Representation For Family Members With Fatal Accident Claims

When we hear about someone being involved in a fatal accident, many of us stop for a moment to think about how it may relate to our own lives. We briefly ponder what it might be like to lose our parent, spouse, or child. Then, the fleeting thought leaves us and we move on with the rest of our day.

For those that have actually lost a loved one in a fatal accident, hearing news of the tragedy is only the beginning of a living nightmare. The impact of the loss brings with it much emotion and intense grief. It may be difficult to think of pursuing legal proceedings when so many other matters need to be dealt with.

At Valenzuela Law Firm, P.A., in Tampa, Florida, we believe trying to place value on a human life is next to impossible, but something must be done to lessen the impact on the survivors following an accidental death. By pursuing a wrongful death claim against the party responsible for your loved one’s death, we hope to help ease some of the burden and help you to move forward after such heartache.

Protecting Your Family’s Future

Whether due to a car accident, motorcycle crash, or incidence of medical malpractice, a fatal accident affects an entire family. All sense of normalcy becomes disrupted. Moving forward with a wrongful death suit cannot repair the hole left in your lives, but it may be able to make carrying on less difficult.

With more than 30 years of experience handling personal injury and wrongful death claims, attorneys at our firm understand money cannot replace what you have lost. As difficult as it may be, great importance must be placed on determining the deceased’s full potential. We work with experts to place a monetary value on the income your loved one could have earned, the special moments you could have shared and more.

We want to help you achieve some sort of justice. Although many cases settle out of court, we prepare each case as if it will go to trial. We fight to achieve all that you and your family deserve after such a tragic loss.

Contact Our Personal Injury Lawyers For A Free Consultation

Contact us to discuss your circumstances with a knowledgeable attorney. Wrongful death cases are handled on a contingency-basis meaning you will not be responsible for attorney fees unless we are successful in your case. Call 813-217-5613 or complete our online contact form.

Verdicts & Settlements

$8,000,000 Verdict for Wrongful Death of 23 year old Adult Disabled Man Who Choked On His Own At Adult Daycare Center

$3.5 Million Settlement in Wrongful Death Trucking Accident Case

$3.5 Million Settlement By Hospital for Wrongful Death of Teenager

$2.5 Million Settlement Against Hospital And Physician For Wrongful Death of Senior Chemotherapy Patient

$1,000,000 Settlement for Wrongful Death of 67 Year Old Husband For Failing To Appreciate Signs and Symptoms Of A Cardiac Tamponade

$700,000 Settlement for Wrongful Death of 8 Month Old Special Needs Child

$575,000 Settlement for Wrongful Death of 80 Year Old Due To Untreated Decubitus Ulcers

$9,000,000 Settlement for Wrongful Death of 24 year old Electrocuted by Downed Power Line

$727,000 Settlement for Wrongful Death of Infant Due to Negligent Supervision By Day Care Center

$525,000 Settlement for Wrongful Death of 70 Year Old From Head Injuries After Falling Of A Gurney