Valenzuela Law Firm, PA | Trial Attorney

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$6.8 Million in Delayed Caesarian Section Malpractice Case

A 34 year old pregnant woman presented to a hospital at full term and in labor for the delivery of her third child. She had two(2) previous uneventful deliveries by cesarean section, but this time was requesting a vaginal delivery. Upon admission she was connected to fetal heart monitors. During the labor process the mother developed severe abdominal pains and the fetal monitors showed signs of fetal distress. The nursing staff told the mother her complaints were normal and did not appreciate the fetal monitor changes. In fact the mother had suffered a uterine rupture which expelled the baby into the abdominal cavity cutting off the baby’s oxygen supply. A delay of approximately twenty(20) minutes took place before the nursing staff appreciated the gravity of the situation. Once discovered, her physicians performed an emergency delivery :however, it was too late to prevent permanent brain damage due to prolonged oxygen deprivation. A civil action was brought against the hospital for the negligence of its nursing staff for failing to properly monitor the mother resulting in a settlement for $6.8 million dollars.