$725K Settlement in Medical Negligence Action Against Urologist for Failing to Investigate Diagnose and Treat Rising PSA levels.
The Plaintiff was a 79 year old male who presented to a urologist with complaints of an elevated PSA (4.7) and urinary difficulties secondary to BPH. Over the next 3 years the Plaintiff’s PSA level continued to rise. However, the urologist did not recommend a biopsy or other investigative techniques to determine whether he had prostate cancer. Ultimately the Plaintiff required emergency surgery for his BPH which led to the discovery of his PSA being 23.7. A subsequent biopsy revealed metastatic prostate cancer. The Plaintiff alleged the urologist deviated from the standard of care by failing to timely diagnose and treat his prostate cancer resulting in the cancer becoming metastatic. The urologist denied any negligence or negative consequences due to the delay in diagnosis. The case settled for $725K.