Valenzuela Law Firm, PA | Trial Attorney

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Experienced Tampa Law Firm Committed Solely to Protecting the Rights of the Injured

$1.5 Million Settlement in Medical Malpractice Action Against Physicians and Hospital For Failing To Timely Diagnose And Treat A Perforated Diverticulitis And Large Abscess

The Plaintiff was a 52 year old adult male who presented to the hospital emergency department with signs and symptoms of a perforated diverticulitis and large abscess. The treating general surgeon should have performed a Hartmann procedure to address the abscess. Instead the doctor failed to find and fix the perforation and chose to irrigate the area. As a result, the perforation worsened resulting in the development of sepsis, fistulas and other abdominal injuries and deficits. The case settled shortly before trial for $1.5 million.