$1.0 Million Settlement in Medical Negligence Action Against Cardiologists And Hospital for Failing to Diagnose and Treat Blockage to LAD artery.
The Plaintiff was a 59 year old male who presented to the hospital with complaints of chest pain. He was examined by a cardiologist who found 2 blockages. The cardiologist treated 1 of 2 blockages with an angioplasty and admitted the Plaintiff to the hospital for further care. The Plaintiff was then observed by multiple physicians for several days and a bypass was scheduled for the following week. The Plaintiff was then discharged from the hospital with instructions to return to the facility in 48 hours for pre operative testing. Unfortunately, the Plaintiff expired at his residence during this period. He left a wife and 2 children. The Plaintiff alleged the cardiologist was negligent for failing to treat the second legion and for discharging him from the hospital and that such negligence was the cause of his death. The Defendants strongly denied any negligence arguing that the second lesion was not severely obstructed and so did not have to be treated in the Cath lab. Further, the Plaintiff failed to demonstrate any clinical signs and symptoms of a heart problem suggesting the discharge would not be appropriate. Lastly, that there was no direct evidence of a blockage to the second lesion being the cause of death. The case settled for $1.0 million prior to trial.